Monday, October 6, 2014

Explorer or Settler?

Today we talked about the positive and negative aspects of being an explorer and a settler. If you had a choice, which would you be and why?

In your comments, begin with "I would prefer to be an explorer because..." or "I would prefer to be a settler because..."

Mrs. Kane


  1. I would prefer to be a settler because I can feel home and welcome in my country and not worry so much . I would like to stay with my family instead of strangers

  2. I would prefer to be an explorer because its boring to be stuck at home worrying about when we are going to get invaded. I rather be out exploring new places.

  3. I would prefer to be a settler because first I am secure. I have a home and I already know where stuff are. I know the territory and I know the things that are in my territory. Also I don't take the risk of having trouble in land that I don't know.

  4. I would prefer to. be an explorer because I will be able to see amazing things I would not see in Otero places. I would also lime to see Otero cultures and teach them of God.

  5. I would prefer to be a settler because I want to stay at my house, and want to play with my friends.
    Also, I don't want worry about new places, and I want to stay with my family instead of other places (like strangers)
    Natalia k.

  6. I would be a explorer because being a explorer would be really cool and interesting and you would discover interesting things and it wouldn’t be boring and you never will be in one place

  7. I would prefer to be an explorer because I get to have the joy of being the first person ever to step foot on something. I could be the leader, and whenever I found a new place all the settlers would follow me and settle in the place that i discovered.

  8. I would prefer to be an explorer because not only could i see, smell, and taste new things but i might even make friends or be in history books. I would also be willing to take the risks.

  9. i would prefer to be a settler because i myself prefer a normal and safe life. 90% of me is boring while 10% of me is adventorous like an explorer. so i choose to settle and be safe!

  10. I would prefer to be an explorer because I would be able to see new things and experience the adventure of venturing out to new places and also because i would meet new people and learn even more about their culture.

  11. I would prefer to be a settler because for me its always a pain asking for the internet password. I dont like to travel a lot because theres different toilets. I like adventure too, so thats a downside, but I'd definitely chose being a settler over an explorer.

  12. I would probably be better off as a settler because I prefer to relax at home than go climb a mountain, but that's just me.

  13. I would want to be an explorer because I like to explore and try new things.

  14. I would prefer to be an explorer because you get to see new things.

  15. I would prefer to be an explorer than a settler because an explorer searches for new things, and a settler conforms with what they have. The explorers want new things, and different ways.

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