Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Genghis Book


Ghengis  was born in 1162 by the Onon river. Ghengis Khan is not his original name instead is Temujin. Ghengis had a hard childhood with his father death. Genghis' father was poisoned to death by Rival Tartars. Genghis' tribe expelled him out of the tribe and left her mother raise her 7 children alone! After that Genghis lived hunting and fighting to survive and would even kill his own brother when they were fighting for food. He spent time as a slave and made an escape. By his early 20's he made himself a leader and made many alliances with other tribes.


Invasions of the Ghengis were very  harsh and without compassion. The Siege tactic is one of them. Every tactic that the Mongols used were very good. Ghengis Khan tactics were so harsh that in all the years that he ruled 11percent of the world's populate was killed by him.Every year that tactics of Ghengis were becoming better. The mongols conquered part of China during the 1207-1227 .   

Death and Facts

There is not much information about the death of life of Ghengis Khan.But we can say that Ghengis Khan died in a revolt of the kingdom of Xi Xia. He died around 1226-1227. After Ghangis death the empire  still was growing. In  the 14th century the empire was designated.The British empire was the only empire that could over pass the Ghengis Khan empire.

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