Friday, October 3, 2014

Why Study History?

Today in class, we watched a video about why we should study history. In a sentence or two, comment on why you think studying history is important?

Mrs. Kane


  1. history opens our mind to the past, and think critically about it.

  2. I heard once that "Those who don't know history are bound to repeat it."

  3. I think history is important because we can know how we got to where we are right now, and also so we can solve problems easily without having the same mistakes other people in the past have had.

  4. I think we should study history because it helps us learn about our mistakes from the past and it helps us learn about things from the past that have caused things to happen in the present right now.

  5. Why Study history?

    For me studying history is important because it makes us to know our history and we are not doomed to repeat it. History lets us have a better use on our critical thinking.It makes us have a reasonable thinking and let us solve problems from the present based on the problems we had in the past.

  6. We should study and learn history. Because we need to know about history and We can think deeply ?? about history.

    Natalia k.

  7. I think that the most important reasen to study history is to learn of the problems in the past so that we do not reapet the same mistake.

  8. I think it is important to study our history cause it is away to understand the past and learn more about our world

  9. studying history is important for people because they. Don't have to commit the same mistakes other people have done or even nations.

  10. History is very important to study since it teaches us how to solve real world problems. This could help in the zombie apocalypse.

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  11. I think studying history is important cuz it helps us learn about the past and learn how stuff started and where created.

  12. History is important because it helps us to not repeat mistakes that others have made in the past.

  13. I would like to be an explorer because you can try new foods and explore.
