Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Archaeologists Discover Remains of Egyptian Army In the Red Sea

By Alec, Cara, Tasha, and Davey (Moderation team)


  1. 1. Because we learned about Egypt and that we should know whats happening in the world.
    2.Now i know that they might have found the remains of the Egyptians that pursued Moses and his people in exodus.
    3.That there were so many bodies i thought they would have decayed by now.

    1. Ben, you need to fix your didn't capitalize I.

  2. 1. This can relate to when we learned about Ghengis Khan because many people died in both occasions but they did die in different ways.
    2.This event effects me and people today because it can make non-Christians think about what other reason could there be for this find and maybe even convert some people to Christianity.
    3.I think it was interesting that one of the comments was "why are you so surprised?" because why should we be surprised if we know this really happened? When I first saw the title of this article i was very intrigued but then I realized that we should be able to believe that this happened with or without proof.

  3. 1. Did you guys learn about Egypt? If so it relates to Egypt.
    2. We will be able to confirm the Bible.
    3.That there are still things on this earth that we have not found.
