Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Noble peace prize

Will,Ben,Ana, and Caeli!


  1. 1. I think this big coin was produced in the past, (the material) but with different market or price value
    2. It is now affecting this future as a Peace Award.
    3. I find surprising that is such a big coin

  2. 1.) I think it relates to what we have studied before because peace is what Genghis Khan wanted with China.
    2.) This event will affect in the future because peace is essential in the world.
    3.) A startling fact is that is being difficult to find the person who will get the Nobel peace prize.

  3. 1) I think that this relates to what we have studied in the past because in the past everyone wanted peace and this prize awards these people that make that difference in the world.
    2) This event can change the future by having that person bring peace to the world.
    3) What I find startling is that not many are nominated and that shows that not many in the world are peaceful and take a chance to change the world.
