Thursday, November 6, 2014

Millionaires against Ebola - Gadget Team

        There were over 4,900 cases rising in West Africa. Pau Allen (Billionaire) made a significant dent to their request by announcing that his foundation would pledge $100 USD million towards the fighting Ebola. When Mr,Allen was making an announcement, he said "Ebola virus is unlike any health crisis we have ever experienced and needs a response unlike anything we have ever seen." He went on saying that they could actually prevent Ebola from becoming a global epidemic.

         Mr.Allen wasn't the only person donating to defeat Ebola virus. September 10th of 2014 the Microsoft company and Bill Gate donated. Bill Gate donated around $50 USD millions. The founder of the social page of Facebook also donated to this cause, Mark Zuckerberg, added $25 USD million to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Foundation. The millions of dollars that were donated were used to buy pencil equipment and train personnel. Millionaires were not the only ones trying to defeat this, but also the Health Organization were working with scientist to come up with an efficient vaccine. The efficient vaccine was prepared to come out in the 2015. Ebola was prepared to be a distant memory.

      Mr.Allen’s foundation has donated $26 million to the Red Cross to train doctors to fight out Ebola. To help provide medical supplies Mr.Allen’s foundation donated $7.5 million to the University of Massachusetts to train personnel. It was hard in Africa to prevent Ebola because there was only 50 doctors in the whole country. Mr.Allen hopes to make medical services more stable in Africa. Also Mr.Allen has hired journalists to report the news about Ebola accurately and he donated so that the US can evacuate Ebola patients safely.

Quiz questions šŸ˜°✏️šŸ“„
1) How many donations were and who gave them?  šŸ’µšŸ’°šŸ’µšŸ’°(Massiel Rubio)
2) Who donated $26 USD million to the Red Cross?  (Steven Urbina)
3) Why was it so hard for Africa to prevent Ebola?  (Juny Lim) 
4) When was the vaccine supposed to come out? (Alison Gonzalez)

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