Sunday, November 9, 2014

Red Sea Crossing

On October 24 2014 scientists lead by Professor Abdel Muhammad Gader recovered over 400 bodies covered in coral from the Red Sea. These artifacts dated back to 14th century BC. There were probably over 5,ooo bodies there and such a large number suggests that an army could have been the reason for so many bones. Many different clues brought Gader and his crew to the conclusion that this find was linked to the Biblical story of the Red Sea parting.

First of all, by the positioning of the bodies, the men seemed to have been killed by a tidal wave or mudslide. Also, there is no evidence of ships or boats so the soldiers seemed to have died on dry land. Many other reasons brought Gader to conclude that he found the ancient Red Sea Crossing, but can you come to the same conclusion?

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Caeli's question: do you believe this was the real Red Sea Crossing? Why or why not?

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