Thursday, November 6, 2014

Remains of Egyptian Army

Remains of Egyptian Army
In 2014 an Egyptian Army from the 14th century, was found at the bottom of the Gulf of Suez, in The Red Sea. The Scientists leaded by Professor Abdel Muhammad Gader estimated that there were about 5000 bodies dispersed through the area.
Professor Gader and his team concluded that the bodies are from the Bible story, Exodus. Some clues that led to this conclusion are that the soldiers seemed to have died in dry land because there weren’t remains of boats. Another clue is how the bodies were found, they were stuck in clay, which tells us they could’ve died for mudslide or tidal wave.

It shows that the parting of The Red Sea, was a historical event. This discovery brought new perspectives of many stories that historians thought were false.

1) What do proffesor Gader an his team concluded a our the Egyptian army's remains?-Alejandro S
2) How did the bodies appear in this story? Natalia k.
3)Why do you think the bodies were covered in clay?- Lucia G

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