Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Question 4

What are indulgences? I don't get it??

Indulgences were pieces of paper sold by the Roman Church to the people which supposedly payed for their sin. These were used so the people would be tricked into buying them giving the Roman Church money.


1 comment:

  1. Indulgences were tickets to heaven and forgiveness. First John Tetzel was given the assignment to raise funds to build the church of St. Peter's Basilica. He was so good at it selling the indulgences. He also said that when you buy indulgences a soul from purgatory goes to heaven. It means that when you purchase you could save others or even yourself. Shortly, the Roman Catholic Church can give indulgences to shorten some sins that God saves for temporal punishment to be indured and that can be endured on earth or in purgatory, so the indulgences can save you from that depending how much you pay.

