Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Question 4

What are indulgences? I don't get it??


  1. Well, fellow student... An indulgence is a letter that the popes would give to the people who felt guilty and thought that weren't enough for heaven, so the person payed to be "forgiven" and when they died, they would NOT go to the purgatory which was considered a waiting room. So they would go straight to heaven.

    1. Well actually, depending on how much they paid, or the value of their "good deed", they would either go to heaven directly, or just be "bumped" ahead of the "line" in Pergatory. They wouldnt just go straight to heaven, because then they could just pay a couple of cents.

    2. Well, actually, they would go straight to heaven, it depended on how much they paid. If they paid like $250+, they'd probably go to heaven straight away, but if they paid like 2 cents, they would probably just get bumped up in line by like 1/10 of a person :D

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Indulgences were like a certificate that "pardoned" you of your sin. The more you had, the more sins you could get away with. You earned them through good works, but between 1512-1521, Pope Leo X sent monks and agents out to different parts of Europe to sell them in order to get enough money to build St.Peters Basilica.
    Besides pardoning you of your sins, indulgences also were like a VIP ticket to heaven. You know how in Six Flags they have those VIP lines, well its kinda like that, except it would be for Purgatory (a "waiting room" before being judged for Hell or for Heaven), so these indulgences were good deal if you believed the church had power over these sort of things.

  4. An indulgence was technically a piece of paper. This piece of paper were sold by some men who worked for the pope. The only reason why the pope sold indulgences was to get money. The pope claimed that by buying an indulgence you would be pardoned of your sin and, depending on how much money you payed, you could either skip or making your waiting time shorter in purgatory. to make this easier to understand here are a few examples.
    Imagine you did something bad like you stole money from your dad's wallet. In order to go to heaven you would need to buy an indulgence to pardon you from your sin.
    Let's say your dad died. You loved him a lot so you didn't want him to spend time in purgatory. You walked up to a man selling indulgences and told him that you wanted your dad to be freed from purgatory so you handed the man money and your fathers soul was freed.
    let's say you did something else bad, like stole a bike, but this time someone saw you do it. The man who saw you do it told you that he would make the sin just go away if you payed him $50. So you payed him $50 and your sin was forgiven.

    1. i got my info from my brain and the info I learned from the textbook and in class.

  5. An indulgence was a piece of paper that removed the punishment of your sins. This pieces of paper were given by the pope to get money for the church or to build one, like the one made during Pope Leo X's time. There were two types of indulgences: partial and plenatary. A partial indulgences only removed part of the punishment of your sins, while a plenatary one removed all the punishment.
    You could also but indulgences to remove time spent in the purtagory. The purtagory was the waiting room for souls waiting to be judged wether they would go to heaven or hell. The indulgence would take all of your time you need to spend in the purtagory or remove some of your time depending on how much you paid.
    You may be asking why did the people knew the only was to be saved is by Jesus? That is because in this time the bible was only written in Latín. You needed to know Latín to read the Bible and only priests and popes could read it. In that time you had to trust in the priests and popes about the bible

    1. I round my information in:

    2. Alejandro please check your spelling.
      - Moderation Team

  6. Indulgences are like tickets for heaven. John Tetzel was given a tack to raise funds to build the St. Basilica's Church and this was what he made up to raiese money. You buy indulgences to forgive your sins. They believed that God forgave your sins except the temporal sins and that sin could be forgiven by the indulgences. John Tetzel also said that when the indulgences are purchased a soul from purgatory gets free. You could save others or even yourself!

    resources: http://www.christian-history.org/john-tetzel.html

  7. Replies
    1. You could have copied your comment, then deleted it and repost it -_-

  8. An indulgence is a removal of punishment from sin. Even if you are forgiven in confession your punishment of sin still remains and that has to be conducted through the purgatory. You can purchase indulgences and depending on how much you pay part or all your sins are forgiven. According to John Tetzel, when you purchase an indulgence a soul from purgatory spring and that means that you could save others from purgatory.

    Resource: http://www.christian-history.org/john-tetzel.html

  9. An indulgence is a piece of paper that the Roman Church sold which said that you were forgiven of a sin. The Roman church used this to gain money and trick the people into thinking that they were doing them favor.

