Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Civilization #2

If you were a ruler, how would you enduse that people would respect you?


  1. If I was a ruler of a country I would enduse the people to respect me by following the constitution, and making strickt but fair laws.

  2. I would want to be "friends" with the people, but I would still make sure they knew that I was ruler.

  3. I would enduse the people to respect me and each other, I would be their friends in facebook, and follow them in twitter and we should be like close friends and then they will respect me (they will respect me because I will have cops all around me like Mr.Ortega)

  4. If I was the ruler of a country, I would want to be fair, honest, and let people have there freedom. That way people would most likely keep me in power and not rebel against my rule. If anyone wishes to rebel then they may do so, for I most be fair and tolerate freedom of speech.

  5. I would be a kind generous ruler I would do anything so that my kingdom would be happy and peaceful but if a war starts I will use mt strong army and destroy that foe and try to make peace for as long as possible and have my kingdom like Solomon (the beginning of Solomon kingdom not end)
