Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Civilization #6

What do you think is most important for a government to focus on: military defense, artistic accomplishment, or economic strength? Why?


  1. I think that the most important thing a goverment should of su is encono y strength because if it tour country has a good economy Youtube country won't enter a Great Deppression lime th United States.

    1. Careful, Alejandro, I see some Spanish slipping through.

    2. Mrs. I don't think that is Spanish, but I think he missed some letters in some words.

  2. I think that the most important thing to focus on is economic strenght. If the economy strenght is very low your military will not be able to get tanks, jets with few money. Also, artistic accomplishments could be accomplished with money(except Petra)

  3. For me the most important thing to focus is economic strenght because it would helps us in every aspect. It would help us in infrastucture . Having a good infrastructure make that we have a good physical aspect of the place. IT would decrease the amount of puberty in the place and increase the work for people. Economic is like the basic because with money we can buy good arms for battle .

  4. I think that the most important thing is economic strength because if you have economic strength then you can deal about the military defense and artistic accomplishment later when the economy is strong enough to support that.

  5. I think that the most important thing is economic strength because when you have economic strength you can deal about military defense and artistic accomplishments later when the economy is strong enough to support it.

  6. I think that economic strength is the most important because if the economy isn't strong then you couldn't afford military defense and people would have jobs.

  7. I think that in order to make a strong house you need a steady foundation, and that foundation is your economy. With out your foundation, things like military defense and artistic accomplishment would just use up all your money and leave you with nothing to build off of.

  8. Economic strength, is like the father of both military defense and artistic accomplishment, without money you cannot get a good military defense, and even nowadays or here in Nicaragua we don't worry if we are getting attacked. Artistic accomplishment doesn't help the country a lot, and you also need economic strength to develop in artistic accomplishments.
