Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Civilization #5

How does religion or ethnicity affect your life and the lives of your people? How has it affected governments of the past?


  1. Religion or ethnicity affects our lifestyle, if people believe in such things they could start fastin' everyday. In the past the religion has affected a lot, like Mr. Hitler killing a lot of Jews

  2. I think I would have publicly announced what religion I follow, and try to live up to my religion's standards. I wouldn't say "Worship God or die!!!" but I also wouldn't tolerate religions that, say..., require human sacrifice. As for governments of the past, I think that some leader's popularity have decreased due to their decision to say " You must follow this religion!".

  3. It is a very big thing like for example Islam is a very violent religion and it even creates terrorists like for example ISIS religion is a very serious thing and as a ruler you must be careful with religions

  4. It is true that religion or ethnicity is important because it gives a taste to the country, but it is true that you have to be careful with what to follow and what not to follow. There needs to be freedom in the country, so the people can follow what they want, but I would try for them to be closer with the religion that I follow. You can't or it's not right to force people to believe something.
