Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Coffee with the Khan

Imagine you are a news reporter in a coffee shop enjoying a smoothie with Genghis Khan (don't worry, he is unarmed and wants to speak with you). As the two of you discuss his life, he gives you the following statements:

"I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you."
--Genghis Khan

"If you're afraid - don't do it. If you're doing it - don't be afraid."
--Genghis Khan

"An action committed in anger is an action doomed to failure."

Document your dialogue with the Khan. Choose one of the quotes and compose several interview questions. Teams to compose questions: Gadget, Pages, and Moderation

The Design and Promotion teams will answer the questions as Genghis Khan would answer based upon what we learned about him in our text book and the "10 Facts Page."  Be sure your responses are thorough!

Mrs. Kane


  1. "I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you."
    --Genghis Khan

    1)Which God are you talking about?
    2)How do you know we commited sin and you didn't by killing millions of innocent people by conquering?
    3)How would you describe yourself as a punishment?

    1. 1) Well I am talking to christian, in that case, your god.
      2) I never said I didn't commit any sin.
      3) Umm.....hello, I killed millions of people.

    2. In February 1220, the Mongol hordes descended upon Bukhara, and from the pulpit of the Friday mosque, Chingiz Khan declared:

      ''O people! know that you have commited great sins and that great ones among you have commited these sins. If you ask me what proof I have for these words, I say it is because I am the punishment of God. If you had not commited great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you''

      Bye~ Mr. Khan

    3. 1) How do you know I'm a Christian??(I'm a reporter, I don't give you my personal informations)
      2)So you say that killing many innocent people for revenge and land for horses is not a sin? In your speech you talk about other people's sins so you must know that killing people is a sin.

    4. 1) I am talking to the God created you and the one that can destroy you.
      2)Was it a sin when Joshua (from the bible) killed people when he was conquering Canaan?
      3)If I killed millions of people, why wouldn't I kill you right now?

    5. 1) I am talking about the God that is all powerful.
      2) I know you have sinned because everyone sins and I never said that I didn't commit a sin.
      3) I am a punishment because I have killed millions and injured many.

    6. 1) Any God you care to mention
      2) Natural rules apply to you not me!
      3) "slice" "chop" "chop" "screeeeeeem!!!"

    7. 1) Any God you care to mention
      2) Natural rules apply to you not me!
      3) "slice" "chop" "chop" "screeeeeeem!!!"

  2. Sorry Genghis, but I thought you worshiped "Tengri"? You thought that he was the only god and now you are responding to our questions saying that you were sent from God as in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? Explain yourself Kahn.

  3. If you really were sent from God, why would He send one man to kill millions of people? He could have done that when Jesus was being sent to the cross, but did he? NO! If you were sent by ANY god then you would be able to tell me exactly why he would send you to do that.

  4. And by the way, what sin is greater than killing millions of people?

  5. "An action committed in anger is an action doomed to failure."

    1.Why were you think like that?(committed in anger is an action doomed to failure)
    2.Do you know what God told you..really you are Christian, and you know God said."commit in everything, but not in anger" did you know that?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. my actions weren't comitted in anger, they were comitted in confidence and power.

    3. But you said that like "Committed in anger" right?

  6. Quote: "I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you."


    1-Why do you think you are the punishment of God and not other person?

    2-Do you think you are perfect and never have sinned?

    3-Do you have something in common with Adolf Hitler?, Are you racist?

  7. 1)I did what i have to do to save the people of God from captivity of your satin so the every man can enter the kingdom of God
    2)like I said i do note think i am racist because i am like the angel of God delivering his punishment to you whether your brown,white,Asian, and so on
    3)I think that I am the punishment of God because who could kill so many people and stay alive in battle for so long destroying the creation of man and animals man shall die because of their sin and I am here to take them their sooner for God

  8. Quote - An action committed in anger is an action doomed to failure."

    1- How should we used this quote in our daily life after the acts that you committed only because of anger?

    2- Do you think that you had a good but really good reasons for the acts that you did with anger?

    3-If the acts we commit in anger are doomed to failure are those acts that you committed in anger are 100 percent fails?Why or why not?

    1. They weren't fails, I had to put out the people that oppose me. I leave no loose ends, I do this to secure my rule.

    2. сайн байна уу , би алах дуртай

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