Thursday, October 9, 2014

Genghis Khan the ultimate conqueror!

Have you ever wanted to to be a king? A conqueror? A warrior? Well Genghis Khan is the guy for you! He conquered most of Asia just on horseback, his army swept through Asian lands like lightning. One of his war tactics was siege warfare! Khan would shoot flaming arrows into the defending city until they retreated. His other tactic was pretend retreat. Which is basically self explanatory. This is Genghis Khan!

Genghis Khan ended his life as a successful conqueror but he wasn’t born as a king. Genghis’s real name was not actually Genghis it was Temujin and he was born along a river bank in 1162! Can you imagine being born on a river bank? His childhood wasn't all fun and games, it was full of hardship. His father was poisoned when he was only nine! You might imagine that he just ran to the super market when he was hungry, but he had to hunt for his food! No one would have guessed this young boy would become king.

Now even though this guy had a rough childhood, that doesn't give him an excuse to go and kill millions of innocent people! Yes, he killed millions of people and even said that he was the punishment of god! He sure made a great impact on the population of Asia, something to never be forgotten.

  1. His death was nearly 800 years ago
  2. It is rumored that at about the age of 10, he killed his brother in a fight for food
  3. It is also rumored that after conquering Samarkand, Genghis ordered for the citizens to be beheaded and a pyramid made from the heads in honor of his victory
  4. About 5% of the worlds population could be descended from him

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