Friday, October 10, 2014


As a reporter of history, how did your perspective influence the way you depicted history? Answer thoroughly in 3-5 sentences.

Mrs. Kane


  1. I would say that it depicted history as that everything is violent in history. Civilizations don’t grow through peace. There is always war and violence and blood. So far every empire we have studied has had a violent history. There is always rebellion dominance and war and maybe a little time of peace.

  2. I think everyone learned here that everyone's opinion is different but valid. History is not always "happy ending". In history there will always be war and violence. I think this makes it interesting.

  3. I think that history always has some sort of connection that makes everything similar. They start with conflicts and then wars and almost never ends in peace.

  4. I tend to look what people have done that i disagree with instead of feeling sorry for them. No matter what your childhood was like it isn't an excuse to kill millions of people. I also enjoy getting all the information and other's perspectives before i write.

  5. It depicted history that conquering is not all about killing people, but also there is mercy, like Genghis Khan rewarded the enemy archer who shot his horse and because the archer said the truth Genghis made him leader of some group. Some leaders in history could be peaceful

  6. As a reporter of history my perspective has influenced the way I depict history because I am no longer hearing history from someone else's perspective, I have my own. I can now have my own perspective on what I write. This changes what I think about people in history.

  7. As a reporter I had to read a lot to get used to this blog and to Genghis Khan.
    When I read about him, My point of view was totally different from now.
    I learned a lot of new things about someone that I didn't even know it existed. In the process of this project, it was a honor to represent and expose information about Genghis Khan.

  8. I didn't want and I didn't like about History, but I did this project with my team, I started have fun and I like history. And I learned more about history and even Genghis khan!! I will learn more about history. Also, i will have more fun to history.

  9. For me depicted history is about the past and errors and also achievements . Also that we learn about every war. This makes us knowing violence acts that where done in the past. And with this we will realise that the earth and the people are getting worse.

  10. My perspective influenced the way that I have depicted history because God made my brain like nobody else's. I think, learn, and imagine things differently than any body else does. This influences my perspective because if someone says "draw a mountain" then I might draw a mountain with a river flowing down it and someone else might draw some trees around their mountain. We all think of things differently and thats why our perspectives all contain the same ideas but are presented in different ways.

  11. As a reporter, you can depict history differently through your perspective. If you dont like Muslims or chritstians or are racist, you might exaggerate on something when a Christian, or Muslim does something out of place or kills someone.

  12. I make the difference, and the way I see things is different from everyone. How I depict things is this way, and in every way or form I think differently. Your past cannot be changed, but you can change in the present and act differently in the future.

  13. I think it made me realize that history can be violent. There are some peaceful thinks but it mostly involves violence. Wars break out, lands get conquered, people die, famous people are murdered. It's just part of the past but through it we learn things.
