Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Current Events

Why do you think it is important for you to keep up with news or to know what's going on in the world?

Compose a 2-3 sentence response in the comments section below.

Mrs. Kane


  1. I think its important because their might be a disease that can infect you and you don't know how to cure it but maybe they just found a cure and announced on the news, then you could be cured.

  2. I think its imortant because you never know what will happen. If there's a war or something bad going on and you don't care to know, you might die.

  3. I think it is important because if we did't know what was happening in the world you wouldn't know how to help or pray for them, which is what God wants us to do. He told us to pray for the sick, needy, and persecuted.

  4. I think that is important because if we don't know about the world or city that I live, we might be dangerous or like don't care. For example, if there is plague and people don't know it they would get the plague. So I think we need to know about the world.

  5. I think that is important to know what is happening in the rest of the world because we can learn about their mistakes. Another reason for us to know what is happening in other places because we can prevent this from happening where you are right now.

  6. I think it is important because if we don't know whats going on around us we wont be able to make a difference. We will not be able to speak up on our opinions.

  7. I feel like it is important to learn are current history because we are apart of history.Also if study current events that aren't good for are earth we can prevent it from happening again or stop it now.We are currently living in this world so why shouldn't we learn what going on now in are world?

    1. Sorry it didn't put my name this is
      Tasha arnold

  8. I think it is important to learn of current eventos so that we know what type of trou les humanity is facing and we can help. Another reason is that if we aré not aware of a new disseas we might get it and not know what could help.

  9. I think that is important to know current events because it first maintain us inform about what is happening around. It also let us have this knowledge about things that can give us a conversation.

  10. I think it is important to keep up with what's going in the world right now
    because as people say: ''History repeats itself'', what if its actually happening and history is repeating itself right now. Wouldn't you like to solve a problem by helping to find a resolution to it?

  11. Knowing what goes on in the world is important for real world probelm solving skills, debates, and can be used for interesting conversations

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  12. Its important because if you don't know whats going on around the world, then you might not know how to solve certain events in the future.There might even be some sort of disease going around and you might not even know about it.

  13. i think its important because we can know what's going on in the world. For example if there's a disease you can find a way to prevent it or if there's a war then you can find a way to protect yourself.

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  15. I think its important because it helps us know whats going on to prepare. For example if theres a disease going around and it's killing millions of people then you can prepare by getting a vaccination or treatments to prevent you from getting the disease.
