Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Life of Ghengis Khan

The Birth of a Military Genius

Temujin was born along the banks of the Onon River in around 1162. When Temujin was 9 years old, his father was posioned by rival tartars (Mongols). Later, his own tribe expelled his family, leaving his mother alone with her 7 children. Temujin grew up hunting and might have even murdered his ow half brother in a fight over food when he was a teenager.

Temujin Becomes Ghengis Khan

When Temujin was in his early 20s, he became a great warrior and leader. He soon began forming alliances. By 1206 he became Ghengis Khan, which meant "Great Ruler". 

Ghengis Khan's War Tactics

Ghengis Khan was the ruler of the Mongols. He had 2 famous war tactics. The first one was Siege Warfare, in which Mongols fired arrows and flaming objects into the cities for weeks. The second war tactic was Pretend Retreat, where the Mongols would pretend to be beaten and appear to leave their camp empty. Then, when the townsfolk came out to scavenge for stuff, the Mongol forces would attack them and since the townspeople would be scared and unprepared, they were easily defeated.

Ghengis Khan's Achievments

Between 1206 and until his death in 1227, Ghengis Khan conquered nearly 12 million square miles of territory- more than any individual in history. Along the way, he had cut a ruthless path through Asia and Europe. Historians say that he may have killed around 40 million people.

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