Thursday, December 4, 2014

Counter Reformation Student Question 1

Actual student question:

Why would the Catholic priests and higher church leaders want the people not to read the bible? Why would they just want the people to here the bible at church? Why would they not want to translate the bible into the common language?


  1. The pope didn't want people to read the bible because other wise people would realize the churches teachings were wrong and the church wouldn't have any followers. During this time the pope could say anything they wanted and the people would just have to assume it was correct because they couldn't read the bible for themselves to check if it was correct. If they translated the bible into a common language then the people could read the bible themselves and the pope would no longer be trusted. This is also the reason why Martin Luther, John Wycliffe, and John Huss were persecuted so much. They either spread ideas that the people believed ( because the ideas were about the reason that the church didn't let people read the bible which got the people thinking) or they translated the bible into the vernacular( common language) so people could read the bible themselves and realize the Roman Catholic Church is wrong.

  2. we got our information from our discussions in class and reading from the textbook.

  3. Bible is supposed to be capitalized on the first line of your paragraph.
