Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Reformation Question 3

At 2:30 in the video, they mention that Zwingli believed that Eucharist/communion is completely symbolic and is not literally Jesus' body and blood. My family growing up went to a Baptist church, and I assumed that modern protestants assume that communion is a strictly symbolic exercise. Is that true? If so, when did these beliefs in the Eucharist change?


  1. Caeli and Ana

    The statistics say that 30 percent of the people questioned believe that they are actually getting the body, blood and soul of Jesus Christ. 29 percent think that communion is totally symbolic. then the next 10 percent believe that within the bread and wine is Jesus' presence. Lastly, 23% believe that the bread and wine has turned into the blood and flesh of Christ because of their belief. So, the greatest belief of people surveyed says that the body and blood truly belongs to Christ

    1. So,yes the Roman Catholic Church still believes in transubstantiation.

  2. we found our info on this site

  3. yes, it changes in the 17 and 18 century
    Yahoo answers

  4. The Eucharist is the bread and the wine representing the blood and the body of Jesus. This has become a tradition. Not strictly follow but the majority of the catholic believer do this.This is because it has become a tradition. The bible says in 1 Corinthians 11:27, 29 "Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will have to answer for the Body and Blood of the Lord... for anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body, eats and drinks judgement on himself." The Roman Church have been using this to help with their salvation. It have been changed because nowadays it's not as serious as before.

    By Alison, Massiel

  5. No there is no evidence that the church ever changed, it always has believed in transubstantiation and still does.

    I got my info from Mrs.Kane

  6. 30% of those surveyed believe that they are actually getting the body and the blood and soul from Jesus. 29% think that it symbolizes teachings. 10% understand their action to be receiving the body of Jesus.23% hold that they are receiving what has become the Body and Blood of Christ because of their personal belief. MaNY PEOPLE think they receive the body of Christ through this

  7. There is no evidence that transubstantiation is not used in the Roman Catholic religion. It is still being used by the Roman Catholics. And miss Kane

  8. Some people still believe in transubstantiation.

  9. In the Las Supper God said: This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me." and "This cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in My blood.
    God was totally saying that the bread and wine were symbols, that would commemorate His Sacrifice and New Covenant.
    The Church took this words literally.

  10. I found that some people (mostly the Catholic Church) still believe in Transubstantiation.

  11. I found the answer key in the site and it says,  The Catechism of the Catholic Church strongly asserts the "Real Presence" of Jesus' body in the Eucharist; this is to say that the sacrament is not symbolic of the body and blood of Jesus but rather that it is his body and blood.

    Here is the site;

  12. 30% of the people who suryed still belive that they are getting the body and soul and blood of christ.
