Monday, March 9, 2015

Why A Timeline?

As our timeline project comes to an end, explain briefly how a timeline can help us learn about history. (2-3 complete sentences)


  1. A timeline can help us to learn about history because it give us a visual idea of how all went through the history. We are also able to see what event happend after the other.

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  3. A timeline can help us learn history by giving us info on our past,and when those things happened.

  4. A timeline can help us to know and learn about history through what happened in this period. Also a timeline helps to know well about the history because a timeline is appeared the most important idea or thing.

  5. We can learn a lot from a time line because it is a practical way to know when and where events happen.

  6. A timeline can give us information of what we haven't learned and/or what we didn't learn on our learning time. Also, timelines help us specify the time frame or difference of years between events. All of these things can be learned from making a timeline.

  7. A timeline is important because we can know the basic and most important information about the event in order

  8. A timeline can help us grasp what events happened when or where. They are great visual tools to help even people with no brains to just look at a picture of dates and understand.

  9. I think that timeline is a great way for eople to learn about history,because it can show people how long or close was this event or that event regarding are current lives today!Also the timelines give a very good visual about the history that man (the holy spirit) have made.

  10. A timeline gives us a visual presentation on how our history has developed during time, giving us important ideas, names, and dates that are relevant to the topic that the timeline is based on.

  11. A timeline can help us learn because it gives us an organized summary of what happened in a period of time, telling us the main information, making it easier for use to understand

  12. Timelines can help us learn about our history because it shows us a more summarized version of our textbooks and it's also spread out so it's easier to read.

  13. Timelines can help us learn about history because it shows us the events of a certain time frame. It is much easier to see (or read) the points of a 12 inch timeline than 4 chapters of a history textbook.

  14. Timelines can help us because the are organized visual representations of what happened through a certain period of time. That is much easier that searching for that same information in a textbook because in a timeline its all is summarized and in order

  15. The timelines can help keep track of what date or time events in history occurred at.

    They can also help us remember history in a fun way.

  16. It can help us learn about history because it is a easy thing to see and know the events that happened in history and when they happened.

  17. They can help us remember stuff of what our ancestors did
    They also que help us keep track of things that happen in the past

  18. Timelines are very important when it comes to organizing ideas, in this case, history. They help us know when and where events happened with exactness.

  19. A timeline can help us to understand History because of the chronicle order. The chronicle order gives us a more concrete idea of the events and its consequences.
