Friday, March 6, 2015

Timeline Teams Update

What is your job on the timeline team? What did you accomplish in class today? Explain in 2-3 sentences by commenting below.

Mrs. Kane


  1. My job on the timeline team is Interesting Facts Finder. I researched the interesting facts about Great Wall of China and the Ottoman empire.

  2. My role on the timeline is to design and be creative with the timeline we are making. During class I found a web site to create a neat timeline and you just put information and picture in it. Also I tried a sample to see if inserting picture and information worked. All Worked fine

  3. My task in the timeline is the bibliography writer, but in class I was also a researcher. What I accomplished in class was that I found a really good map of important facts and I also found a reliable source of information.

  4. My job on the timeline team is writing a paragraph on the explorers of europe. In class, I did some research to find out who these were, what they did and which countries they explored.

  5. My job in the Timeline is to research interesting facts. In class, I did some research over the Aztec Empire and recorded the information I found into my team's Google Document.

  6. My job in the Timeline team is to do some research about the dynasties we have learned about int the last 5 lessons, and look up some information sources and make sure I used "Son of Citation machine" to create the bibliographies.

  7. My job is to search for an free timeline website.Then create an easy access for my team mates.After that is done start working and filling in all the info that is needed.

  8. My job on the timeline is to write stuff. I typed out information about the Mayan civilization.

  9. Thanks to each of you who responded on time!

  10. My job is to write a paragraph that explains our timeline. Today in class my group was able to look some information of the empires.

  11. My job is to write a paragraph that explains our timeline. Today in class my group was able to look some information of the empires.

  12. My job is to find interesting facts about European explorers. Today I found info about James Cook and a bunch of other explorers.

  13. My job is to research some valuable information on European explorers throughout history, including their names and some of the important stuff they did.

  14. My job is to research about the Ottomans and find some software for the timeline

  15. My job is explanation writer. I have to write all the details about the gadget team's reaserch.

  16. My job is explanation writer. I have to write all the details about the gadget team's reaserch.

  17. In the project I am in charge of the Meaningful facts. I have to look yup for 3 facts for the timeline.
