Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Civilization #4

How would you maintain order if you ran a government or dynasty?


  1. If I ran a dynasty or a gov I would ran order first having 3 main laws or stuff that we need to have. Which are loyalty , courage and Honor. This 3 things would help us a lot to maintain order.

  2. I would maintain order by making a lot of laws and have a lot of so-well-trained-cops.

  3. If I ran a government or dynasty, I would maintain order by having laws, not too many laws but enough. I would also be kind and close the people living in the empire that I ruled, that way the people won't want to rebel.

  4. If I ran over a government or dynasty I wouldn't have to many laws because the people would probably feel like they're being completely ruled over but if they didn't have too many laws they would feel freedom.

  5. If I ran a dynasty or government i would have many laws to maintain the order in it, but besides all the laws I would give the people a lot of freedom, for example; I would let people people practice their own religion and they wouldn't be forced to go to war.

  6. I would have the laws I put down on the other question and a strong military and have hopefully order and peace
