Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Now that we have analyzed several types of primary sources, why do you think it is important to analyze these in the study of history?


  1. When you analyze a primary source, you are undertaking the most important job of the historian. There is no better way to understand events in the past than by examining the sources--whether journals, newspaper articles, letters, court case records, novels, artworks, music or autobiographies--that people from that period left behind.

  2. When you analyze a secondary source something may have changed, so you would have to read the primary source in order to get all the facts.

  3. I think it is important because when you analyze a primary source you get things were they were originates, but if you get them from a secondary source the people who did it my not have understanded and they changed something.

  4. It is important to analyze primary sources in the study of history are important because there is more detail on them than on the secondary sources

  5. When you analize primary sources, you have a 99% chance that what you're researching is legit and hasn't been edited. Secondary sources in the other hand have a 50-50 chance that you will get authentic information for your research.

  6. I think it is important to analyze a primary source because when you analyze a primary source, you can see and get the specific things and facts.

  7. I think its important to analyze primary sources in the study of history because, when you only analyze the secondary source you don't get some of the main details and information you would get in the primary source. The primary source tells more important details.

  8. It is important to analyze a Primary source because that's where the secondary source originated from and the secondary source may have been changed or changed to a person's opinion

  9. Its important to analyse primary sources because if you know what its about, it would be easier to understand the secondary source.They also have more detail and it makes you understand the topic better.

  10. Its important to analyse the primary one beacuse it the more important than the second one and you will understand the second more. Its also important beacuse it more acurate than the second one.

  11. I think it's important to analyse the primary source because it's the original and it's more reliable when you're trying to find correct facts.

  12. It's important to analyze the primary source first, because the secorndary source might have been changed or modified to one's own liking. Its kind of like stories passed on orally, they get passed on from people and those people will wanna change it to make it more interesting.

  13. I think that it is important to analyze primary sources because they are the most reliable, legit, and correct sources that you are going to find because they are the original thing. ( I couldn't think of a better word besides THING)

  14. I think it is important to you the primary source because it is what the real person actually said so its easier to believe .If it is secondary source( its kind of like wikipedia )its a secondary source and more of like an opinion from a person or something some one heard from something but may not be true .In science class we learned about scientific law & scientific theory .Secondary is like scientific theory it can not be proved but to some people it just what make sense .As for scientific law it has prof it comes from the person how said it its a more reliable resource.So I do think that using primary source is good for our history because it true and we need true for a history book

  15. I think is important to have a primary source than a secondary source.The primary source take us to the point gives us all the information mean while the secondary source can be completed and have some ideas that weren't really in the original piece.
    A primary source have a better idea of the topic .

  16. It is important to study the primary sources because they give more information and are more complete. Primary sources tend to be more accurate than secondary sources.
