Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Analyzing Primary Sources

Samson Rending the Lion, ca. 1497–98. Albrecht Dürer (German, 1471–1528) Woodcut; sheet 16 x 11 7/8 in. (40.6 x 30.2 cm) Gift of Georgiana W. Sargent,.

1. Who or what is the subject of the visual?
2. Examine the details to determine the historical context of the image.
3. How is the subject depicted?
4. Does the image agree or disagree with known historical facts?

Teams: answer each of these in the comments section below. Make one post for all four questions.


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  2. 1) Sampson is the subject of the visual.
    2) The historical context of the image is that it was carved in a different time period then it actually happened.
    3) Sampson is depicted by the title and the story that is going on that we see on the carving.
    4) This carving does not agree with the known historical facts.

    Moderation Team

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  4. 1. The subject of the visual is Samson rendering the lion.
    2. he needed to kill a lion for its skin
    3. its Gothic art
    4. it agrees

  5. 1. The subject of this visual is Samson.
    2. The historical context of this image is that Albrecht Durer drew this image during 1490's. He based on the Bible story, and you can see Gothic style architecture
    3. The subject is depicted as Samson the brave, valient, sexy, and with the title.
    4. The image disagrees with known historical facts because the drawing has gothic style architecture and that didn't exist back in Samson's time.

    source: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/works-of-art/24.63.111

  6. 1.) The subject of the visual is Samson.
    2.) The visual of Samson rending the lion was done after he died. This is done in 1490s.
    3.) Samson is depicted as a atronó man subdoing the lion.
    4.) The history disagrees in the visual because in the visual of Samson because the architrcture in the back disagrees, but Samson defearing the lion does agree with history.

    Page Team

  7. 1)The subject of the picture is Samson.
    2)In the backround it shows a castle, but in Samson's time, there weren't any castle (B.C.), so its a mix of Before Christ and Romanesque architecture
    3)The picture depicts Samson as a fierce, determined fighter. He looks strong and is almost as big as the lion itself
    4)The backround (castle) disagrees with Samson because there weren't castle in Samson's time

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