Sunday, November 9, 2014

Red Sea Crossing

On October 24 2014 scientists lead by Professor Abdel Muhammad Gader recovered over 400 bodies covered in coral from the Red Sea. These artifacts dated back to 14th century BC. There were probably over 5,ooo bodies there and such a large number suggests that an army could have been the reason for so many bones. Many different clues brought Gader and his crew to the conclusion that this find was linked to the Biblical story of the Red Sea parting.

First of all, by the positioning of the bodies, the men seemed to have been killed by a tidal wave or mudslide. Also, there is no evidence of ships or boats so the soldiers seemed to have died on dry land. Many other reasons brought Gader to conclude that he found the ancient Red Sea Crossing, but can you come to the same conclusion?

Pages team

Caeli's question: do you believe this was the real Red Sea Crossing? Why or why not?

Conclusion of what we had learned

Throughout this time learning about why is important to keep up with news, it had been very helpful, because we got to know some stuff that’s going on around the world like Ebola etc. We had some adult mentality in this time because we thought about something that could help solve a problem like mature people. It is also important to keep up with current events because if you get a disease you will need to know what it is and how to treat it. Another thing is important to know is what animals are endangered because if you  go hunting and you kill an endangered species you could go to jail for not knowing it was endangered. Also, if the plague in the world, and you don´t know it you might get the plague. So you should know about the current events.

-Promotion Team.

Friday, November 7, 2014



  So far we have noticed that if we keep up with current events we can know what's going on where we live and all over the world. We think that it's important because you can learn from their mistakes. This also helps by knowing what to do when things are bad in the world. It obviously helps us by prevent things. We can change the world by making a difference in what is happening. In conclusion, people need to start keeping up with current events, so that they can make a difference in their lives and in the world.

Current Events- What We Learned

      Over the past couple of days, we all agree that the importance of keeping up with current events is that we can be involved in the world if we know what is happening in the world. The way we can get involved is by praying, by donating money, and any other ways available. We can partner with other countries around the world, and each country wont be isolated, they can contribute to big things. If we know whats going on in  other countries, like an epidemic, we can prepare for it in our own country, and for example, we can send field medics to research about the disease. More than anything, helping others in need is very important, and if you know whats going on in the world, you can donate to organizations that help said people.

Current Events Conclusion (Gadget Team) (Steven,Juny,Alison,Massiel)



We have learned about the importance of keeping up with current events. One of them is that in case of a mortal virus we can learn what are the symtoms to know that we have that virus and go to the hospital. Also, we can learn to prevent the virus and tell others to prevent it. Keeping up with current events keeps our minds active. It's also important to know the current events because they inform us many things. Current events could be entertainment and informative at the same time. Keeping up with current events to understand our surroundings.


What we learned!

We discovered that there are many interesting events happening right now. It is very cool to see how events happening now also happened some time in history. We can learn from and prevent certain events. It almost feels like we can tell the future by reading about the past!,

Will Cali Ben and Ana  (Page team)

Current Events Conclusion

What have you learned regarding the importance of keeping up with current events?

Your team will work collaboratively to create a post answering this in 5-7 sentences.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Remains of Egyptian Army

Remains of Egyptian Army
In 2014 an Egyptian Army from the 14th century, was found at the bottom of the Gulf of Suez, in The Red Sea. The Scientists leaded by Professor Abdel Muhammad Gader estimated that there were about 5000 bodies dispersed through the area.
Professor Gader and his team concluded that the bodies are from the Bible story, Exodus. Some clues that led to this conclusion are that the soldiers seemed to have died in dry land because there weren’t remains of boats. Another clue is how the bodies were found, they were stuck in clay, which tells us they could’ve died for mudslide or tidal wave.

It shows that the parting of The Red Sea, was a historical event. This discovery brought new perspectives of many stories that historians thought were false.

1) What do proffesor Gader an his team concluded a our the Egyptian army's remains?-Alejandro S
2) How did the bodies appear in this story? Natalia k.
3)Why do you think the bodies were covered in clay?- Lucia G

Millionaires Against Ebola

Millionaires Against Ebola
                            Ebola was a disease that was rare and deadly, in its time. The first person who was cured from this disease, Amber Vinson,  was a nurse from Texas at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital.

US billionaire Paul Allen, decided to give $100 million to the cause of Ebola. This event took place on October 23rd. “ I am committed to doing my part in tackling this crisis,” explained Mr. Allen. In the past, he donated $26 million to the red cross for the same cause.

$7.5 million were given to the University of Massachusetts Medical School, to train personnel. This helped the nurses and doctors to treat the patients. 

Quiz question: Who was the billionaire that donated all the money?
                                                                                       Andrea Solorzano

Quiz question: What hospital did the nurse that was cured work at?
                                                                                        Noelia Velasquez

Quiz question: How much money did the billionaire donate to the red cross?
                                                                                         Nain Miranda

Quiz question: For what cause did the billionaire donate the money?
                                                                                       Paolo Rappaccioli

                                                         Design Team 2014
              Nain Miranda, Andrea Solorzano, Noelia Velasquez, and  Paolo Rappaccioli

Millionaires against Ebola - Gadget Team

        There were over 4,900 cases rising in West Africa. Pau Allen (Billionaire) made a significant dent to their request by announcing that his foundation would pledge $100 USD million towards the fighting Ebola. When Mr,Allen was making an announcement, he said "Ebola virus is unlike any health crisis we have ever experienced and needs a response unlike anything we have ever seen." He went on saying that they could actually prevent Ebola from becoming a global epidemic.

         Mr.Allen wasn't the only person donating to defeat Ebola virus. September 10th of 2014 the Microsoft company and Bill Gate donated. Bill Gate donated around $50 USD millions. The founder of the social page of Facebook also donated to this cause, Mark Zuckerberg, added $25 USD million to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Foundation. The millions of dollars that were donated were used to buy pencil equipment and train personnel. Millionaires were not the only ones trying to defeat this, but also the Health Organization were working with scientist to come up with an efficient vaccine. The efficient vaccine was prepared to come out in the 2015. Ebola was prepared to be a distant memory.

      Mr.Allen’s foundation has donated $26 million to the Red Cross to train doctors to fight out Ebola. To help provide medical supplies Mr.Allen’s foundation donated $7.5 million to the University of Massachusetts to train personnel. It was hard in Africa to prevent Ebola because there was only 50 doctors in the whole country. Mr.Allen hopes to make medical services more stable in Africa. Also Mr.Allen has hired journalists to report the news about Ebola accurately and he donated so that the US can evacuate Ebola patients safely.

Quiz questions šŸ˜°✏️šŸ“„
1) How many donations were and who gave them?  šŸ’µšŸ’°šŸ’µšŸ’°(Massiel Rubio)
2) Who donated $26 USD million to the Red Cross?  (Steven Urbina)
3) Why was it so hard for Africa to prevent Ebola?  (Juny Lim) 
4) When was the vaccine supposed to come out? (Alison Gonzalez)

Millionaires against Ebola

Millionaires against Ebola

Team: Promotion

Lucia G.
Alejandro S.
Natalia Kim

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Now that you have explored several current events websites and have posted an interesting article, let's see if your classmates think that it will make history!

Your job is to read your assigned article and answer these three questions:
1. How does this event relate to events that we have studied in the past?
2. How does this event affect you now or how might it affect your future?
3. What startling fact did you notice in this article? Why was it so surprising to you.

Thought provoking response will earn the most points.

Reading Assignments:
Design team reads Pages team article
Pages team reads Moderation team article
Moderation team reads Gadget team article
Gadget team reads Promotion team article
Promotion team reads Design team article

Mrs. Kane

Noble peace prize

Will,Ben,Ana, and Caeli!

Kids get real helping hands from 3-D printers
(Gadget team)
Archaeologists Discover Remains of Egyptian Army In the Red Sea

By Alec, Cara, Tasha, and Davey (Moderation team)
Deer with 'Vampire Fangs' Spotted for 1st Time in Decades

Nain Miranda, Andrea Solorzano, Noelia Velasquez, Paolo Rappaccioli

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Current Events

Why do you think it is important for you to keep up with news or to know what's going on in the world?

Compose a 2-3 sentence response in the comments section below.

Mrs. Kane