Friday, October 10, 2014


As a reporter of history, how did your perspective influence the way you depicted history? Answer thoroughly in 3-5 sentences.

Mrs. Kane
    The Amazing Adventures of Genghis Khan

             It all started out when a kid was alone in his house with no father. He was fighting for his life. The story of his fathers death was brutal. His father was poisoned be Rival Tatars. Ghenghis was only nine years old when it happened.

                  He escaped and started to unify people for his fathers revenge. He was a brave warrior. This lead him to gain  his name, Ghengis or great leader. One of his many war tactics was pretend retreat. This consisted of the army retreating, or pretending that theyre dead, and then the people would come and the army would come out they would suddenly get up and attack. He conquered almost all of Asia and almost all of the world in those times.

                  Nobody knows how he died, but most people suspect that he died by falling off his horse or got shot by an arrow. All we know is that he probably died bravely and with a valiant heart. He will always be remembered as the brave warrior.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Genghis Book


Ghengis  was born in 1162 by the Onon river. Ghengis Khan is not his original name instead is Temujin. Ghengis had a hard childhood with his father death. Genghis' father was poisoned to death by Rival Tartars. Genghis' tribe expelled him out of the tribe and left her mother raise her 7 children alone! After that Genghis lived hunting and fighting to survive and would even kill his own brother when they were fighting for food. He spent time as a slave and made an escape. By his early 20's he made himself a leader and made many alliances with other tribes.


Invasions of the Ghengis were very  harsh and without compassion. The Siege tactic is one of them. Every tactic that the Mongols used were very good. Ghengis Khan tactics were so harsh that in all the years that he ruled 11percent of the world's populate was killed by him.Every year that tactics of Ghengis were becoming better. The mongols conquered part of China during the 1207-1227 .   

Death and Facts

There is not much information about the death of life of Ghengis Khan.But we can say that Ghengis Khan died in a revolt of the kingdom of Xi Xia. He died around 1226-1227. After Ghangis death the empire  still was growing. In  the 14th century the empire was designated.The British empire was the only empire that could over pass the Ghengis Khan empire.

Work Cited

The Khan known as Genghis

Genghis Khan before his campaign     
            Genghis Khan when he was a child had a very hard life. His father was killed when he was little and he had to live on his own with his mother and 6 siblings. In is teenage years he had to hunt and search for food to survive. It was rumoured that he fought with his half brother and maybe killed him over some food. Then later in probably his twenties, him and his wife were captured by a rival tribe and became slaves. But later he managed to escape and then became a strong warrior and leader. Then he managed to unite tribes and build up a large army before he then started to create the largest empire in history.


The Life of Ghengis Khan

The Birth of a Military Genius

Temujin was born along the banks of the Onon River in around 1162. When Temujin was 9 years old, his father was posioned by rival tartars (Mongols). Later, his own tribe expelled his family, leaving his mother alone with her 7 children. Temujin grew up hunting and might have even murdered his ow half brother in a fight over food when he was a teenager.

Temujin Becomes Ghengis Khan

When Temujin was in his early 20s, he became a great warrior and leader. He soon began forming alliances. By 1206 he became Ghengis Khan, which meant "Great Ruler". 

Ghengis Khan's War Tactics

Ghengis Khan was the ruler of the Mongols. He had 2 famous war tactics. The first one was Siege Warfare, in which Mongols fired arrows and flaming objects into the cities for weeks. The second war tactic was Pretend Retreat, where the Mongols would pretend to be beaten and appear to leave their camp empty. Then, when the townsfolk came out to scavenge for stuff, the Mongol forces would attack them and since the townspeople would be scared and unprepared, they were easily defeated.

Ghengis Khan's Achievments

Between 1206 and until his death in 1227, Ghengis Khan conquered nearly 12 million square miles of territory- more than any individual in history. Along the way, he had cut a ruthless path through Asia and Europe. Historians say that he may have killed around 40 million people.

Genghis Khan the ultimate conqueror!

Have you ever wanted to to be a king? A conqueror? A warrior? Well Genghis Khan is the guy for you! He conquered most of Asia just on horseback, his army swept through Asian lands like lightning. One of his war tactics was siege warfare! Khan would shoot flaming arrows into the defending city until they retreated. His other tactic was pretend retreat. Which is basically self explanatory. This is Genghis Khan!

Genghis Khan ended his life as a successful conqueror but he wasn’t born as a king. Genghis’s real name was not actually Genghis it was Temujin and he was born along a river bank in 1162! Can you imagine being born on a river bank? His childhood wasn't all fun and games, it was full of hardship. His father was poisoned when he was only nine! You might imagine that he just ran to the super market when he was hungry, but he had to hunt for his food! No one would have guessed this young boy would become king.

Now even though this guy had a rough childhood, that doesn't give him an excuse to go and kill millions of innocent people! Yes, he killed millions of people and even said that he was the punishment of god! He sure made a great impact on the population of Asia, something to never be forgotten.

  1. His death was nearly 800 years ago
  2. It is rumored that at about the age of 10, he killed his brother in a fight for food
  3. It is also rumored that after conquering Samarkand, Genghis ordered for the citizens to be beheaded and a pyramid made from the heads in honor of his victory
  4. About 5% of the worlds population could be descended from him

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Coffee with the Khan

Imagine you are a news reporter in a coffee shop enjoying a smoothie with Genghis Khan (don't worry, he is unarmed and wants to speak with you). As the two of you discuss his life, he gives you the following statements:

"I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you."
--Genghis Khan

"If you're afraid - don't do it. If you're doing it - don't be afraid."
--Genghis Khan

"An action committed in anger is an action doomed to failure."

Document your dialogue with the Khan. Choose one of the quotes and compose several interview questions. Teams to compose questions: Gadget, Pages, and Moderation

The Design and Promotion teams will answer the questions as Genghis Khan would answer based upon what we learned about him in our text book and the "10 Facts Page."  Be sure your responses are thorough!

Mrs. Kane

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Your Civilization!

We have said that one of the reasons we study history is to learn from the successes and failures of past civilizations. After our review of leadership styles, religious practices, cultures,and military tactics in class today, how would you rule your own civilization?

Thoroughly answer two of the following 6 questions by commenting to it on the blog. Be sure to support your response with what you've learned about history!

Happy Ruling!
Mrs. Kane

Civilization #6

What do you think is most important for a government to focus on: military defense, artistic accomplishment, or economic strength? Why?

Civilization #5

How does religion or ethnicity affect your life and the lives of your people? How has it affected governments of the past?

Civilization #4

How would you maintain order if you ran a government or dynasty?

Civilization #3

Would you make a lot of laws or not many laws at all if you ruled a civilization? Why or why not?

Civilization #2

If you were a ruler, how would you enduse that people would respect you?

Civilization #1

If you ran a country, what might lead you to govern well or become corrupt? Is corruption an inevitable consequence of power?

Monday, October 6, 2014

Explorer or Settler?

Today we talked about the positive and negative aspects of being an explorer and a settler. If you had a choice, which would you be and why?

In your comments, begin with "I would prefer to be an explorer because..." or "I would prefer to be a settler because..."

Mrs. Kane

Friday, October 3, 2014

Who Makes History?

A Worker Reads History

By: Bertolt Brecht
Who built the seven gates of Thebes?
The books are filled with names of kings.
Was it the kings who hauled the craggy blocks of stone?
And Babylon, so many times destroyed.
Who built the city up each time? In which of Lima's houses,
That city glittering with gold, lived those who built it?
In the evening when the Chinese wall was finished
Where did the masons go? Imperial Rome
Is full of arcs of triumph. Who reared them up? Over whom
Did the Caesars triumph? Byzantium lives in song.
Were all her dwellings palaces? And even in Atlantis of the legend
The night the seas rushed in,
The drowning men still bellowed for their slaves.

Young Alexander conquered India.

He alone?
Caesar beat the Gauls.
Was there not even a cook in his army?
Phillip of Spain wept as his fleet
was sunk and destroyed. Were there no other tears?
Frederick the Greek triumphed in the Seven Years War.
Who triumphed with him?

Each page a victory

At whose expense the victory ball?
Every ten years a great man,
Who paid the piper?

So many particulars.

So many questions.

Why Study History?

Today in class, we watched a video about why we should study history. In a sentence or two, comment on why you think studying history is important?

Mrs. Kane